Let’s talk about…

Collage Sketchbook

Do the words ‘new sketchbook’, ‘blank pages’…’pristine, white space’ and so forth strike fear in your heart? Do you collect sketchbooks as some people collect shoes, or handbags…? Believe me, you’re not on your own!! As you can see in the following video, I have amassed a variety of sketchbooks over a looooong period of time….and some sit there, as beautiful and unused as the day I bought them!!

But, but, but…having a brand new sketchbook doesn’t mean that everything that you do in it has to be perfect, a masterpiece… Below you can see the different ways I use a sketchbook; from scrapbooking, line drawing, splashing around, experimenting and collaging. All various ways of using a sketchbook - none of which require perfection!

One way of using a sketchbook that I find particularly helpful in igniting my creativity is my ‘Collage Sketchbook’. Having found old papers, tearing up artwork that hasn’t worked, finding bits of ephemera as well as text that has meaning to me… I arrange the pieces on the pages as the mood takes me…. no pressure… And, having created something, my creativity begins to flow… and off I go…

I hope that you have enjoyed and found it helpful having a peek into my sketchbooks and the various ways I use them! I would love to see how you use your sketchbooks!!

Happy creating,



a veritable rabbit hole…


Taking things slow…