Embracing uncertainty…
Bob Goff
Life is full of uncertainties isn’t it? Will it rain tomorrow? Will I be able to master this new blog format? Will you like the new style blog? Shall I make Miguel Barclay’s Mushroom & Leek Orzo for tea…? I could go on! Most of the time we shrug our shoulders and just get on with things, taking whatever comes; carry an umbrella just in case, keep trying with the new format, make the orzo (great way to use up the leeks and mushrooms sitting in the bottom of the fridge!) But every now and then events happen that shake you to your core, that stop you in your tracks.
Even though they were both in their eighties, the loss of both my parents within the space of five months has been overwhelming. Add in moving house and you can see why my art practice has hit the buffers over the last few months. Although it’s the natural way of life, this shift in the order of things has made for a re-evaluation of values and priorities…
Is what I thought was important really the case…? Was the track I was on the right one…? I was so worried that not having created for such a long time, I would lose my carefully cultivated, ‘audience’, my social media followers and ultimately my small art business… And then, epiphany…bereavements teach us that life is short. I am fortunate in that I don’t need to sell art to pay the bills. I paint because I love it; watching the inks and watercolours pool, making expressive marks and adding flashes of colour, all bring me such joy, and that’s the thing isn’t it? As long as I continue to create from the heart, and to do what I love, the rest will follow…
It took me a little while to come to this realisation - what can I say, my brain has been a little addled lately… but doing what I always do in such circumstances - walking - helped me. Seeing the blossom and blooms unfurl, turning their faces to the sunshine, flowering whatever the vagaries of the weather, embracing the uncertainties…
“During the wild uncertainty of a frightened land, Spring reached out her mystical hand; willing to give us hope.”
Although I am formulating plans to work on a larger scale, I do so enjoy working in these small concertina sketchbooks…
A Small Jewel…
…and it is working in one of these sketchbooks that I plan to demonstrate at the Patchings Arts Festival (14-17 July). It’s my first time exhibiting at this event so it would be great to see some friendly faces and to have a chat with you - would definitely help calm my nerves. If you are planning a visit now is the time to purchase your advance tickets.
In order to ‘clear the decks’ ready to begin new work, eventually, I have been holding a Paper Sale over on my website. These are all small, preparatory studies that I create to help me formulate composition and colour palette. Most of them are on 220gsm cartridge paper and are inspired by the marshlands of north Norfolk, the moors of North Yorkshire, as well as a selection of floral studies. It’s your chance to own original artwork at an affordable price - do hop on over and take a look.
As time goes on I will be updating and posting about how I am progressing with the upscaling of my work - first things first, I will need to order some more materials! But as I sit here typing, I can feel that tingle of excitement about trying something different…and it reminded me of a poem by one of my favourite authors that ends…
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life”
Try to do something that excites you this weekend..!
As always, take care,
P.S. I hope all the links worked, I haven’t yet fathomed out how to do test preview on here yet….