a veritable rabbit hole…
Bowed but not Broken
It’s funny isn’t it, how, setting out to do one thing sends you down a rabbit hole of another, totally unrelated thing… I started out, full of good intentions to de-clutter my old laptop - before it totally crashes. Opening up old folders, some of which included files I couldn’t even download because the operating systems no longer function, I discovered a veritable plethora of ‘stuff’: essays for uni, bibliography lists, H & S forms for past exhibitions… to name but a few. But hidden amongst all these, were folders helpfully titled (!!!) ‘Photos for Twitter’ and ‘Carolyn’s photos’. Obviously I needed to check them out before deleting, and what a treasure trove I found, a whole archive of long forgotten work… including the one above, which I really should have remembered as it is the very first piece of artwork I sold!
I also found a whole series of charcoal drawings of silver birch trunks; heaven alone knows where these are after the house move… And you know what it’s like, once you’ve started, that rabbit hole holds an irresistible attraction. It was fascinating to see the beginnings of my journey from tight, representational work to looser, more expressive pieces…

Here, I must apologise for the quality of the images - some are from sooo long ago, I think I just had an old Ipad…
As you can see, I slowly moved from the ‘tight’ drawings and charcoal work, to slightly looser sketches, and from there, to experimenting with watercolours. I find it fascinating to observe how my work has changed, and how it continues to develop.
Although I still love trees…
Ink Hedgerows
Here’s to discovering more ‘rabbit holes’…