Keep the Faith…
Even if you have nothing else going on in your life - no angst, no worries, no ‘its not life as we know it moments’ (after this past two years who am I kidding??) - sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow. Even if everything in your world is perfect, or at the very least okay, it seems as if the energy and inclination for painting has left you and, on the off-chance that you do manage to put brush to paper, its as though you have forgotten all you ever knew about creating. Everything you paint, in your head at least, is rubbish and that starts off a vicious circle of ‘well, why bother, it’s just going to be c**p again…!’ You are not on your own - we have all been there! But, what to do…
“I am going back into the woods,
To listen to the ancient trees,
Branches long and withered, wise,
Reaching up to thread my dreams.
My faith I'll place unto them,
Barks rich with hard-won battlescars,
Leaves whispering of courage, hope,
Rings of life that guide the stars.”
Carly Dugmore
We are all different, and so, inevitably, we all have different ways of finding that spark… I can only tell you what works for me.
My number one activity is getting outdoors, walking…the further away from cars, buildings and people the better ( I am becoming much more anti-social the older I get). Moving your body promotes the production of endorphins which help to stabilise and elevate your mood, or so the science says. I don’t listen to podcasts whilst walking, preferring instead to focus on my surroundings, to notice the details, both large and small…the often overlooked…
Since moving house and away from the river, I have had to find new walks… I am now surrounded by wheat and barley fields - (the swaying awns of barley so remind me of that scene in Gladiator…where’s Russell Crowe when you need him…?) - as well as grass paddocks. As I walk, the crows pick over the grass field recently vacated by sheep and lambs. The dog roses nod in the breeze and the frothy cow parsley dances to its own tune - for now. I walk along the tractor wheelings, through the corn, skylarks singing overhead. I come to a small copse, the sunlight glinting through the trees, shadows and light, birdsong echoing. Huge saucers of elderflower dangle from the hedgerows, lacy parasols full of hope and expectation. And as the tall, ancient horse chestnut tree stands guard over the track, the trembling grasses and the clover at my feet combine into a tapestry of textures and tones…inspiration.
And usually I find, that as well as absorbing all the nuances that nature has to offer, I have gained some perspective on whatever problems were bothering me… Win/win all round…
I also spend time looking at other artists’ work, combing social media and Pinterest for ideas. Not with any sense of ‘compare and despair’; no, more for clarity, determining my likes and dislikes. Taking away ideas to experiment with and put my own twist on.
A particular favourite Instagrammer of mine at the moment is Norwegian (I think) photographer Hilde Mork…whose palette and eye for detail I find especially appealing.
Reading is also high on my list… and my subject matter is eclectic…but somehow feeds its way into my psyche…
Current reading material….
“A star, a tree and the longing in between”
‘Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long & Happy Life’ - Hector Garcia
‘The Longing In Between; Sacred Poetry from Around the World’ - Ivan M Granger
My creativity finds outlets in other ways…whether that’s arranging plants and candles, or doing my best Constance Spry impersonation…
Or cooking… As per usual, the British weather veers from sunshine to cool, grey cloud - so I found myself making soup… Here, I have to own up, I forgot to take a photo before we ate it all….
Image courtesy of Max Griss via Unsplash
And I continue to dabble, setting myself a challenge of ‘dabbling’ for five minutes and to have no expectations… I try using different materials and shades… And oftentimes, before I know it, half hour has passed., and even if it’s only ‘dabbles’, I content myself with the knowledge that I will have learned something; whether that’s ‘Ooh, I don’t like that colour’ or ‘those shades work well together’…and it all helps towards my ‘creative growth’….
And sometimes, we have to take a leap of faith and ask for help…
…whether that’s as simple as asking a friend if they want to go out sketching with you, or, really stepping out of your comfort zone and messaging another artist and asking if they would be interested in doing a joint exhibition. I did just that to artist Lin Chatfield, and now we are looking forward to exhibiting together…
Above all, I keep trying…bit by bit, day by day….
Whatever you’re doing this weekend, however you spend your time, try to do something that brings you joy…because finding joy in one area of your life can lead to so much more….
Take care,
P.S. In the spirit of asking for help, could I ask that, if you have enjoyed this post, you share it with your friends… thank you!