Taking things slow…

Image courtesy of Valentina Ivanova via unsplash.com

A new year, and everywhere you look you are bombarded with advice on how to make resolutions, advice on how to stick to your resolutions, advice on how to do ‘this’ - whatever that may be, which will, apparently, result in a newer, better version of yourself… Make lots of intentions, hit the ground running and 2023 will be the year that everything falls into place. It all becomes a little overwhelming doesn’t it?

Not to be left out in the cold - I have made a resolution, or rather, an intention… and that is, ‘to take my time, to travel slowly…’

Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.
— Mandy Hale

I am doing lots; lots of walking, yoga, reading, cooking etc. Currently I am reading ‘Wintering’ by Katherine May, with ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear and ‘Do/Walk’ by Libby DeLana waiting on the bookshelf. I am also perusing the Jacksons Art Supplies catalogue; decisions on what to spend my Christmas voucher on is as taxing as it gets!

Oh, and I have also been flicking through my sketchbooks and old YouTube videos; to remind myself of what I can do and for inspiration… Just slowly taking my time, ‘embracing the uncertainty and enjoying the beauty of becoming…

Less mindless hustle. More mindful magic.
— Anon

Oh well, time to get back to the art catalogue!



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let’s be honest…