Taking things slow…
Image courtesy of Valentina Ivanova via unsplash.com
A new year, and everywhere you look you are bombarded with advice on how to make resolutions, advice on how to stick to your resolutions, advice on how to do ‘this’ - whatever that may be, which will, apparently, result in a newer, better version of yourself… Make lots of intentions, hit the ground running and 2023 will be the year that everything falls into place. It all becomes a little overwhelming doesn’t it?
Not to be left out in the cold - I have made a resolution, or rather, an intention… and that is, ‘to take my time, to travel slowly…’
“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.”
I am doing lots; lots of walking, yoga, reading, cooking etc. Currently I am reading ‘Wintering’ by Katherine May, with ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear and ‘Do/Walk’ by Libby DeLana waiting on the bookshelf. I am also perusing the Jacksons Art Supplies catalogue; decisions on what to spend my Christmas voucher on is as taxing as it gets!
Oh, and I have also been flicking through my sketchbooks and old YouTube videos; to remind myself of what I can do and for inspiration… Just slowly taking my time, ‘embracing the uncertainty and enjoying the beauty of becoming…’
“Less mindless hustle. More mindful magic.”
Oh well, time to get back to the art catalogue!