What’s your favourite colour palette?

Let me just state, here and now, the chances of seeing me in a bright red dress or a shocking pink top are rare to non-existent…I have been known, on the odd occasion, to sport a vivid orange scarf, but on the whole my wardrobe is an homage to dark blues, blacks, browns and beige…and as for my home decor…

Does your home decor reflect your favourite colour palette?

…l’ll leave that for you to decide….

Where’s all this going…? Why am I telling you about my wardrobe choices and showing you a random photo of mugs and decor….? Well, hopefully, by seeing the palette of choice in my home, you will understand why I have such a love for the blues and browns in my artwork…

Reeds & Sea, Woven Strands - Carolyn J Roberts Artist

This muted palette suits my character – naturally introverted; although I post regularly on social media, it’s mainly images of my work/inspiration, and then, not in a ‘shouty, look at me’ way – at least I don’t think it is….I mean, how many photos of yours truly have you seen? Drawing attention to myself doesn’t come easily, that’s why I have been procrastinating over some projects, where I know that more overt marketing will be required. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not a total cowering mouse – when necessary, I do ‘speak up’, but on the whole, I prefer to be quiet, in the background, and that is what I strive for in my artwork; understated beauty…well, hopefully…

Stormy Harbour - Carolyn J Roberts Artist

I am inspired by nature, and every so often a fresh colour will catch my eye…

…and will find it’s way into my artwork…but again, not in an overt fashion, sometimes it’s just the merest hint…

There Lives the Echo of the Sea - Carolyn J Roberts Artist

and just in case I forget what my favourite colours are I have a Pinterest board dedicated to them…

What’s your favourite colours….? And are they reflected in your wardrobe, home decor or personality…? I would love to know…


take one picture…