my top 5 most watched youtube videos of 2023…
Top 5 YouTube videos of 2023
As we approach the end of the year, a plethora of ‘countdown’ lists always hits the airwaves… So, not to be outdone, I’ve created my own! Now, there’s many things I could’ve made lists about: watercolour paints, watercolour papers, brushes, etc. BUT, as this is the year I began to consciously create for, what had been, up till then, my extremely sporadic YouTube channel, I decided to make this the subject of my list.
No.1 - “Birth of a Painting” This video shows the initial stages of ‘Along Above the Water’, a painting from my River Series.
Along Above the Water - Carolyn J Roberts
No. 2 - “Are You Interested in Art Materials?'“ Here I discuss some of my favourite materials, and, at the end, I do a short demo…
Just some of my favourite art materials…
No. 3 - “Field Edges & Art Graf Sketches” Here I am, trying to capture the essence of the landscape that surrounds me, wheat fields & hedgerows, using the minimum of materials and marks…
Field Edges sketches…
No. 4 - “Watercolour & Ink Experiments” Here I demonstrate a simple warm up experiment - I find it a useful ‘get me going again’ exercise if it’s been a while since I’ve done any painting….
No. 5 - “Only Have 5 Minutes to Paint?” We all have days where there is so much else that needs to be done, and we find ourselves with little time to paint. What to do…?
And there you have it - my top 5 most watched Youtube videos of 2023! I hope you enjoyed watching. AND, if you don’t want to miss out on future videos, why not subscribe to my channel!