summer’s end…
I have visions of Summer, a stately lady, gathering up the many layers of her crinoline dress, rustling as she walks away down the long hallway to Autumn…
But, night-time thunderstorms aside, the weather is being kind. Yesterday was warm with blue skies, high cloud; Summer is almost done, but not quite…
First night nerves…
To be accurate, it’s not strictly ‘First Night Nerves’ - more like ‘First Time Exhibiting at Patchings Nerves’… As I write, it’s just over two weeks to go to the Festival, and all of a sudden that ‘Oh I’ve got ages of time’ feeling has suddenly become ‘ONLY TWO WEEKS!!’ Admittedly I have been a little distracted in the months leading up to the Festival…but these things do have a habit of creeping up on you. And whereas I have been consciously trying not to overwhelm myself with endless ‘to-do’ lists, in order to ensure that everything is organised, catalogued, printed etc, a tick list for the event is a requirement.
Keep the Faith…
Even if you have nothing else going on in your life - no angst, no worries, no ‘its not life as we know it moments’ (after this past two years who am I kidding??) - sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow. Even if everything in your world is perfect, or at the very least okay, it seems as if the energy and inclination for painting has left you and, on the off-chance that you do manage to put brush to paper, its as though you have forgotten all you ever knew about creating. Everything you paint, in your head at least, is rubbish and that starts off a vicious circle of ‘well, why bother, it’s just going to be c**p again…!’ You are not on your own - we have all been there! But, what to do…
being present…
I succeeded in my challenge to do 15 minutes of meditation for thirty days - bar one, but as my Dad passed away during this period, I am not giving myself a hard time about missing that day. Am I proficient - hell no! My mind still wanders and I am continually having to refocus BUT… there have been times during the past days that the teachings and practice of meditating have come into their own. Remembering to breath during the funeral, enabling me to read the eulogy, staying calm when beginning to feel overwhelmed and focusing on positives rather than negatives have all helped me to deal with recent events…
Embracing uncertainty…
Is what I thought was important really the case…? Was the track I was on the right one…? I was so worried that not having created for such a long time, I would lose my carefully cultivated, ‘audience’, my social media followers and ultimately my small art business…
Solace in the Wild
Okay, so I would hesitate to say that the Norfolk coastline is an area that 'man has not yet intruded'...but you get the sentiment, right? That feeling of being 'free'; away from 'normal life' - whatever that means nowadays. Free from routine, free to feel, to be angry and sad, and yes, happy, free to cherish memories, both old and new. Glorious sunshine helped; mainly though, it was just that ability to allow my emotions to come and go, to walk and talk, or just walk, letting feelings sit quietly..
Endings & Beginnings
2021; another rollercoaster. All years have their highs and lows, but this year has felt like no other. Globally, I wonder if the world will be as before - I have my doubts. Personally, I know my world will never be the same. The passing of my mother has left a void. It would be easy just to focus on the black nothingness, that empty chair... But, as I said previously, I am fortunate in that I have 60 years of love and memories to reflect upon, and it is on those that I am choosing to concentrate. And as those 'firsts' come round; the first Christmas without her, the first birthday without her, the first anniversary...I will have to hang on tight to the memories and the love.
what goes on behind the scenes, what inspires me, what annoys me(!) & everything in between.
“Wow, I’m loving your work…this is my first Newsletter from you and am hooked!”